Google ARCore merges reality and imagination

When imagination and technology come together, everything becomes possible. The idea of merging the real and virtual worlds has always been quite fascinating. We’ve seen it in movies, and it has slowly expanded into the videogames world. The first implementations were impressive, but they lacked something technology couldn’t offer until now. here is why Google ARCore is different and how it’s changing augmented reality.

Which were the greatest limitations for AR?

The earliest examples of augmented reality we can think of are 3D motion pictures and 3D books. The reason they can be classified as such is that they’re all based on the same concept. When we use the 3D glasses, the images seem to come out of the screen or the paper. This allows us to see something that isn’t actually there, thus altering our perception of reality.

This idea had a lot of potential to it, but there was a lot of work to do. In fact, the next big step was making these illusions interactive. While placing a virtual object in a physical space wasn’t difficult, the interaction with physical obstacles represented a challenge. The problem has always been the same: the software was able to see the environment, but it couldn’t understand it.

Several attempts have been made to improve this technology, but a cam simply couldn’t supply all the needed information. So how can a program see the world just like a person does? This is where Google and its man-made intelligence resources come into play. keep reading if you want to know what ARCore is, how to use it and which devices are supported!

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What is Google ARCore?

Google ARCore is an open source platform for building augmented reality experiences. This technology integrates advanced APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), making them available to developers. These APIs interfaces with the cam and other sensors in buy to acquire all the needed information. Then, the information is processed, allowing your device to sense and understand the environment. ARCore is the successor to project Tango, which has served as an alpha testing program.

How does Google ARCore work?

The way ARCore works is based on three fundamental concepts: motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation. first of all, your device will ask you to step the cam around, thus allowing the software to estimate the surroundings. Then, it will select some recognizable points, which will be regularly tracked. Finally, the sensors will precisely track the position of these points even when they’re not in frame.

The lighting comes into play when the software generates a virtual object in the real space. In fact, Google ARCore is able to estimate the natural light and reproduce it on the simulated elements. another crucial feature is the ability to recognize flat surfaces, which generally tells the apps where there is enough space. All this allows for a seamless integration with the world, thus making the technology remarkably versatile.

Which are the main advantages?

The main difference between Google ARCore and older augmented reality software is intelligence. Some earlier options required the use of special cards, which the software was able to recognize and track. This has allowed to precisely recognize surfaces, but the cards themselves were a limiting factor. removing the cards allowed to give users a lot more freedom, but then tracking wasn’t as precise.

The ability to understand the environment has allowed ARCore to adapt to any situation. rather than using standardized programming, it counts on maker learning. Not only it’s a lot more effective, but it also gets better the a lot more you use it. This indicates that apps won’t have to guess anymore, because all the information will be ready to use. the best part is that developers don’t have to worry about it when creating a new app, Google has already taken care of the most tough part.

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What are the requirements for ARCore?

No matter how advanced the software is, it wouldn’t be able to work correctly without good hardware. If the platform was made available for everyone, some users would be unavoidably disappointed. This is why supported devices have to be selected very carefully.

Being supported indicates that the device has been certified by Google. The certification process includes accurate measurements and the analysis of the hardware. Then, ARCore is optimized for each individual device in buy to get the most out of it. some of the requirements Google takes into consideration are sensors, cameras, and performance.

First of all, the device needs to have exceptional sensors with low latency and high accuracy. This is the most crucial element considering that an inaccurate sensor would completely distort the tracking. Secondly, the cam quality needs to be good enougnull