NO-TOUCH music player

This bit box not only plays tunes, however it lets you manage a number of elements of playback without touching a thing. [Thomas Clauser] phone calls it the LighTouch as well as we like it since it utilizes inaudible noise to manage audible sound.

We believe the pair of cylinders sticking up with the top of this job enclosure will be acknowledged by a lot of visitors as the service end of an ultrasonic rangefinder. This is the only manage interface which [Thomas] selected to use. Although he didn’t compose extremely extensively about the certain manage plan he implemented, the video embedded in his publish shows a few of the gestures that cause the Arduino inside to modification its behavior. For instance, a swipe of the hand at higher level starts playback, swiping at a lower level pauses it. When adjusting the volume the box responds to exactly how close his hand is to that sensor. With this manage in place, the music side of these things is just handled by a music shield he is using.