iPhone 6 With 4.7 and 5.5-Inch displays arriving As early As September

The notion that two new iPhones will be releasing later on this year – both notably larger than any previous Apple handset – has been corroborated by several respectable sources over the past few months.

Today, Japanese business outlet Nikkei has mentioned that the iphone 6 is likely to consist of two variants packing 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch display configurations, while also adding that the device could arrive as early as September.

Notably, Nikkei also added that the device is likely to be given the iphone 6 moniker, although given the messy way in which the Cupertino has handled the iPad range’s naming scheme of late, it may well be subject to change.

Both devices will presumably pack in fingerprint sensors as with the current flagship iphone 5s, and having successfully been rolled out to the latest model in September, manufacturers are apparently in the process of preparing the feature’s key components.

The building of the new panels for the up-sized models will begin next month, it is believed, with Japan Display, LG and Sharp – a regular creator of Apple device displays – among the companies at the helm of the LCD manufacturing process.

We’ve also heard this week that the 4.7-inch model may be the only device to appear in 2014, with the 5.5-inch edition manifesting itself at a later date. Although it is unclear whether this will indeed be the case and if so, when the larger edition will appear, it seems very much like the kind of tactic that Apple would pull.

The fruit company is famous for gradually trickling out features on its newer devices, typically years later than competitors, and it’s something that Samsung et al have had a field day in mocking through advertising. To make the jump from a device range that has only offered <4-inch displays to releasing a 5.5-inch iphone 6 seems quite a leap, and I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if the larger model didn’t hit the scene until next year, or maybe the one after that. With analysts also suggesting that the new releases will prompt a spike in iphone upgrades, as well as prompting Android users to make the hop from Google’s platform, the market is well and truly braced for the biggest iphone release ever seen. Apple, it’s over to you. (Source: Nikkei) You may also like to check out: iPhone 6 Prototype Dummy Leaks! [Photos] You can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circle on Google+ or like our Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the Web.