INTERNET OF hungry HUNGRY things

The Hippopotamus is the most harmful big animal in Africa. The Web of things will kill us all. What do you get when you integrate the two? hungry hungry. [Mike] took the traditional game Hungry hungry Hippos as well as turned it into an fantastic as well as entertaining Web of things gadget with voice recognition as well as device vision.

Hungry hungry Hippos is a child’s (board?) game developed to instruct kids the virtue of gluttony. The board is surrounded by four lever-actuated plastic hippopotami, as well as the item of the game is to mash a lever as well as gather marbles in the mouths of these piggish pachyderms. [Mike] automated this game with four servos linked to these levers, with each servo managed by a W65C265SXB single board computer. Yes, this job has code written in 6502 assembly.

Taking this a step further, [Mike] is utilizing a Playstation 3 video camera linked to a netbook for picture processing. When the video camera detects a marble in front of a specific hippo, that hippo becomes hungry hungry. Autoplaying Hungry hungry Hippos. What a amazing time to be alive.

The Web of things connectivity? [Mike] likewise made these hippos controllable through Amazon’s Alexa with the assist of an electric Imp. To activate the blue hippo, all [Mike] needs to state is, “Alexa, tell game that blue hippo needs to eat.” It’s an Web of things computer vision AI hippopotamus. all of us understood innovation was eating us alive, however we never believed technology was hungry hungry.

You can inspect out [Mike]’s demo videos below.